
April 2017: Our family vacation to Samoa is next month! This blog is to provide trip info.  

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Travel Assignments

Item #6: Trip Responsibilities:

We need volunteers for the following trip responsibilities. You may feel that you are a good match for one of these jobs; you should sign up for it.

1. Itinerary, Budget and Up front expenses: Val

2. Lodging and transport in Hawaii: This person is in charge of procuring transport to and from the airport, and lodging for the out of town people in Hawaii while waiting to depart for Samoa, and while waiting to fly back home after the trip. This person is also in charge of making sure that dad comes from Kahuku safely, and that Dad gets back home to Kahuku safely.

3. Cook: This person checks the itinerary for the next day, and makes sure that picnic breakfasts and picnic lunches are packed for hikes, day trips, and beach swims. This person is in change of boiling, then refrigerating boiled water so everyone has chilled water available. This person will be responsible for collecting the ingredients (like bread, lunch meat, sodas) from the grocery store (but not responsible to pay) and creating grocery lists. 

4. Extra Expenses: This person will be the one to calculate everyone's individual totals at meals and restaurants. For example, after a meal, this person will be in charge of allocating the cost of each entre to each person who ordered it, and that sufficient money has been collected to pay tax and tip. (No tipping in Samoa). Val doesnt want to do this because she doesn't want to get mixed up between the prepaid costs and the extra costs. (She will handle all prepaid costs). This person will coordinate to make sure sufficient small tala bills are available to pay taxi drivers, beach fees, etc.

5. Security and Documentation: This person will be in charge of bringing a waterproof or a lockable backpack for valuables (wallets and phones). This person will coordinate to make sure at least one of us is out of the water at all times to prevent theft. This person will carry an extra copy of airline tickets and car rental agreements and Dad's property deeds, and car insurance coverage, etc. This person will carry airline luggage rules, and passport copies, and visa documentation and will whip it out appropriately. This person is responsible for checking supplies for suntan lotion, bug spray, and does a shoe check to make sure everyone is wearing appropriate footwear, and that everyone is bringing sufficient swimsuit, towels, subglasses, etc. This person will also sweep through each hotel room and rental room before departure to make sure nothing is left.

6. Guide: Each day, this person will study all  maps for the next day, and be prepared to sit in the lead car and negotiate the maps. This person will make sure that each car has a set of physical (paper) maps in the glove compartment, and that at least one person from each car has a set of maps on their phone. This person will stand in line to purchase (but not pay for) the ferry tickets while the others are eating breakfast, etc. This person can be one of the drivers (Sandy Val Alan) but doesnt have to be. This person will use Valeen's phone to call and RSVP to any events prior to the day of the event. This includes hotel reservations and meal reservations.

7. Cleanup: This person will be responsible for making sure that the cars are gassed up and cleaned prior to return. Also that the rental house in Apia is cleaned prior to leaving. This person is also responsible for washing the clothes left in the laundry sack, and hanging them up on the line in a timely manner so that they air dry. (Dryer is to be avoided as much as possible because the energy cost is too high.) This person is responsible for bringing a garbage bag on trips to use for our picnic lunch trash, and also bringing garbage bags to collect rubbish in national parks, a request by the Park.

Again, these 7 responsibilities do not mean that you have to pay for anything-- we are sharing all common costs equally. It just means that you will have to coordinate with others to make sure you have money from the group to buy necessities.

Also a quick note: These assignments are just management of the task. You dont have to do all the cleaning-- all you need to do is be responsible for the job to get done. You can assign out task schedules.